#GREENincisstaying...at home
City of Maseru, Lesotho where we are working with an extensive team of consultants and the World Bank on a new vision and masterplan for the city.
At the time we posted our last newsletter, this scourge named after a Mexican beer (I am going to try not to use the C-word, I’m so tired of hearing it myself) was just raising its head in China. We hadn’t yet heard of it – how that has changed.
We are lucky here at GREENinc that we can still do our work (apart from the all the travel to sites I mentioned in the last newsletter) remotely. The slowly increasing trend of people working from home instantly maxed out last week with the lockdown. People suddenly stopped flying. After years of negotiations and summits failing to achieve much, if anything, carbon emissions plummeted. To some, this is proof of what we can achieve when we commit to working together. When China first entered its lockdown, some scientists predicted that more lives would be saved from pollution-induced lung disease than from that caused by the new pathogen. And although the stories on social media about dolphins and swans flocking to the suddenly crystal-clear canals in Venice turned out to be fake (disappointingly), the natural world is definitely benefiting. Is this catastrophe also an opportunity to make lasting change for the better though? Will we change the way we do things at all?
Either way, we can’t wait to get hands-on outside again, so start planning some outdoor space for when we’re allowed out!
‘til next time.